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Doctors Say This Drink Destroys Your Bones From The Inside And Harms Every Organ On Its Way Out

#1 Dangers Of Soda

57 gallons of soda is consumed each year...PER PERSON in America! This staggering number is one of the key ingredients to the constant health decline within the United States.

#2 BMD Test

The bone mineral density (BMD) was tested on 1413 women and 1125 men back in 2005, and researchers concluded that the women who drank soda each day had a much lower BMD.

#3 Calcium Destroyer

The phosphoric acid found in Cola can cause phenomena, and destroy the calcium within your bones.

#4 Obesity Issue

“If everything else in their diet is equal, a person who has a can of Coke a day adds an extra 14.5 pounds per year, just from the calories alone," Dr. Christopher Ochner ssys.

#5 The Liver

Fructose is one of the largest ingredients in a soda, which can cause severe liver damage and heart disease. ittle as two cans of Coke a day could be the difference of a healthy body, or major issues.

#6 Diabetes!

Soda affects the blood sugar levels in your body tremendously, which can ultimately lead to diabetese. “These people wind up spiking and crashing, and the system that keeps trying to regulate this – it’s up and down” Dr. Ochner said. “You get dysregulation, and you wind up getting insulin resistance. The body’s not able to properly metabolize the sugar, which ultimately leads to diabetes.”

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